Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring has Sprung

Could Spring Break have arrived at a better time? 

I. Think. Not. 

I needed a break. I needed to rest. I needed time with my girl and the hubs & the rest of my family. 

I can safely say we managed to squeeze every ounce of time out of this break. 

We created Parker's big girl room. It's missing a few key elements, but it's definitely a precious little BIG girl room. 
Due to her extreme love of books, she has her own reading corner complete with mini rocking chair. On any given day she'll go missing and you can find the little bundle sitting in her chair pouring over a book. LOVE HER. 

Family time at the zoo came next. Parker and Daddy experienced the zoo for what must have felt like the first time. Mike hadn't been in years and Parker was only just learning to sit up when she went. The fun came as she repeated the name of each animal in her little 14 month old voice. Bear=Bar. Rhino=Ri. Bird=Bir. She does roar and act like the lions/tigers. That's probably my favorite thing. That and the mooing (no, there aren't any cows at the zoo but that may be her favorite sound to make). 
                  "Zoo! Zoo! Zoo!" 
     Parker and Daddy seeing the geese.
I think every kiddo like to pose here. :)
      When it's nap time, it's nap time. 

After our awesome day at the Zoo, Parker and I took off to Branson with Grammy and Granny Pat. 
Parker's shopping high points were new sunglasses and eating cookies. 
She loved riding the bugs (caterpillars) and "fog" (frogs) at Silver Dollar City.
She also loved riding the carousel with Grammy! 
After a little round of digging in the dirt,
she very happily crashed from exhaustion! 

We're laying low on this end of Spring Break. I clocked 11miles last night on my last training run before the half so Mama is tired and sore. Today's excitement consists of hopefully getting the decals on P's wall (polka dots, chevron stripe and of course her name) and then celebrating Mimi's birthday tonight! 

Now, only 10 weeks before Summer vaca! Let the countdown begin!!! 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

365 Sundowns

*just realized I never published this from Jan 4. 

My wide eyed, black haired baby girl who arrived in just 6 1/2 hours one Monday evening is one year old. Today. She's walking. She's got an extensive vocabulary for someone who's only been around for 52 weeks (although her favorite word is only three letters long: 
H-A-T. Her second favorite word is a four letter word. One that's enough to make a Mama crazy. One that's repeated over and over again until she finally gets frustrated and yells, "That!" She sings "Itsy bitsy spider" (or at least the first few sounds of it). She knows the friggin' difference between a shoe and a boot! She might be a genius, but I figure it's still too soon to be sure. ;) 
She's a blessing. A little bundle of sunshine who can make anyone smile. She's happy. Like 98% of the time. Her hugs can make a believer out of anyone. She. Is. Precious. I hope I can be half as happy as she is. She's teaching me SO much about life. 
She has my heart. I think she has more of it today than she did the day she was born. She grows on you. She's phenomenal when you meet her but she's like a happy little drug. The more you are with her, the more you want to be with her. 

I love her with my whole being. She makes me want to be a better person. 

She has a beautiful little village who adores her. Much of that village arrived on her doorstep Saturday night for her birthday party. My little princess greeted them in her pearls. LOL The 44 people who were here have a special place in my heart for coming and celebrating my girl.