Life is still a bit overwhelming, but I'm slowing getting the hang of it. LOL, by "getting the hang of it", I mean I gawk in the mirror on a regular basis at the growing melon in my midsection and the overall tightness of nearly every dress or shirt I own (I've already banished all "regular" jeans to the back of my closet until they can behave in such a way as to not laugh when I ponder the thought of putting them on).
I guess getting the hang of school comes with higher than usual blood pressure. Not sky high, or run to the doctor worthy...but enough to make me chug water and pay extra attention to Parker Baby on those days to make sure she doesn't take a vaca from kicking the be-jesus out of my bladder. Needless to say she hasn't. Her nearly 2 lbs body is quite the expert at hanging out below the belt these days.
She's 25 weeks grown today. Capillaries appearing, fat filling, air sac growing lungs all are on overload in her mini-me body. Sounds like her tiny little image is changing about as quick as mine. The thought of a full head of white hair cracks me up (we could see hair in her ultrasound at 18 weeks, but there's still no pigment! Can we say Baby Einstein??).
Running Club is well underway at school for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade kiddos. I am in love with the program. The image of 60-70 students, staying after school to get in shape, run and really just MOVE is pretty glorious. Plus it gives me someone to jog, walk and talk with!! I overheard a group of my 3rd graders talking yesterday.
The convo went something like this, "I can't wait til Thursday. That's Running Club day."
"I love Running Club!"
"Me, too. Hope it's not hot or doesn't rain this time!"
The Running Club weather gods have not smiled on us thus far. Day 1 was huge rain storm day. Day 2 was 90+ degree weather day. I'm hoping Day 3 will be cool and windy, exercise your buns off day. For me it won't really be the buns I'm working to exercise off, it'll be the gummy worms and orange Fanta pop. That's my once...or twice... a week splurge. Sister craves SUGAR.
Ok, gotta feed the melon and think about heading to school. I guess there's one good thing about waking up at 4am on a regular basis. Time to write. Time to breath. Time to just laugh like a weirdo at this crazy life that comes with spending all day with 26 eight year olds, and all evening with a kick-like-a-mule baby belly and gun obsessed hubs. (Mikey got his concealed weapon license. <Insert cave man grunt> "He feels the need to protect his family."
I'm sure Mr. Man also feels the need for man time in the midst of all this baby/belly time.
Happy Wednesday!
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