Wednesday, January 16, 2013

She's Beautiful

At 39 weeks and 5 days Parker Grace Curtsinger made her debut into the world. Once she decided to come, there was no holding her back. If someone asks me what labor feels like, I'll have to caution them of my description. I went from being dilated to a two and then a four in three hours. I wasn't even sure I was in labor (thanks to all the braxton hicks and crazy bits of discomfort I'd been in for months) until they confirmed my water had broke. It was all downhill from there. Trust me, the pain came. But with it, the little bit of perfection the world didn't even know it was missing.

She arrived completely content and ready to meet the world. No crying. No sleeping for her. Just wide eyed interest. Her Mama waited on edge to hear her voice finally begging for her to be laid down on the bed. The need to hear her after what felt like an eternity of only feeling her was overwhelming. And came. The most beautiful sound I've ever heard. The tiniest cry that immediately subsided when she was snuggled by the family whom she had already won over.

She's still not much of a crier. Only if she's cold (which means diaper change) or starving. And really who can blame her? Being cold or hungry will make anyone a bit cranky.

She has coal black hair. Dark blue eyes and a pouty bottom lip. She wrinkles up her forehead just like her Mama and when she's in deep sleep her mouth is open just like her Daddy. She loves being warm, snuggled close in the crook of your arm. I'd be willing to bet she'd nearly sleep through the night if her stubborn ol' Mama and Daddy would just let her in their bed.

She is beautiful.

I walked around the first few days muttering those words to Mike. Completely in shock at the tiny miracle whom I delivered. I fell head over heels in love with her to the point of tears. Hell, who am I kidding? As I try to write this just glancing up at her in her sleeper and thinking back on those first couple of days causes what little bit of makeup I've managed to put on to streak down my face.

She was welcome by an amazing assortment of friends and family. From what I hear they nearly caused a fire hazard waiting anxiously outside of labor and delivery to hear of her arrival and to catch a glimpse of her. To appease the crowd, her Daddy escorted her to the nursery for her public debut. She greeted them through the window with wide-eyed interest.

I'm more thankful for her than I'll ever be able to express. It's hard not to stare at her just watching the millions of expressions that cross her face. I do believe this is such a time as to say, "My cup overflows."

She's such a good girl.

I asked Mike the other night if this is how he thought his life would turn out. He said, "No." When I looked at him he quickly added, "This is better, babe."

I do believe, I agree.

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