Tuesday, March 19, 2013

SB 2013

Spring Break baby. Hells to the yes. What am I doing you ask? Trip to the ocean? Skiing in the mountains? Rushing off to Massachusetts as I did last year? No. No. And sadly no.

Spring Break (further known around here as SB) 2013 is being spent in the realm of all things HOME. Home soaking up this little girl. Home having a date night & random Walking Dead marathons with my hubs. Home going for a run to get back in shape and taking walks with friends b/c it meets my need for a convo that doesn't come out of my mouth in baby lingo ("You are a good girl, yes you are. Yes you are!") & allows for Parker baby to be near and happy.

Yes SB looks quite different this year. You know what though, it's just as fun. And exciting. And beautiful. Sure I miss traveling, but there'll be time for that. Any day now Parks is gonna get that dang arm outta the way and roll over for the first time. I want to be here for that. My parents also have SB this week (luxury of working at a school) and there is extra time to watch them loving up on this kid. I want to be here for that too.

SB 2013 appears to be from a different planet than any Spring Break from the past, but I unashamedly admit I like this planet. On this planet we get excited when the baby goes to bed & sleeps til 3am. We are giddy over home manicures and pedicures and lunches that are picked up and eaten at the park. We soak up hours of HGTV & rejoice when the laundry is finally friggin' done and the kitchen is CLEAN.

Yeah SB 2013 is a weird, domestically beautiful thing.

Now if you need me, I have a baby to feed & bundle & then a friend to meet for a walk at the river.

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