The slow fade of Summer is speeding up. Tomorrow P & I will embrace unpacking a hellacious amount of stuff in a brand spankin' new classroom. When I say "we'll" be unpacking I mean; I'll be wading through boxes questioning my late-in-the-school-year packing process while she'll be plowing through the middle of EVERYTHING with the walker that somehow survived my childhood and was passed on to her by my grandparents. As freaking crazy as its going to be, I'm glad she'll be there. I'm not trading even one of my free days with her if I have the choice. ❤
My "peace-out Facebook" decision is going well. There's really no reason to carry my beloved phone around. I actually find myself wishing I had my camera instead of the phone now. While Parker baby still loves "I-stuff", I don't have to feel like I've ignored her 10x while I checked to see what someone else's kid is doing. I can watch that girl grow and change and just soak her the heck up. Guess what else. When I'm having a conversation (especially with my husband) I have the ability to make eye contact again. I'm not "listening" while I randomly post something to Facebook or check a status. What I'm learning is: the most important things...the things worth paying attention to- are happening right in front of me. And what's even more of a lesson is: the "thing" that's happening in front of just as important even when I don't share it with the whole world.
Mikey and I laid on the floor with Parks tonight while she played. Talk about a happy baby. We tickled and played with her some, but mostly we were just there. She loved it. We didn't have to DO anything. We were blessed with a hundred smiles and laughs; and we made the perfect prop for practicing her pulling up/standing skills.
Dude, life is good. When I make that statement it's even after I've rolled my eyes or cursed under my breath as I've become exasperated throughout the day. Still, when the bell rings and the curtain comes down, life is good. Mike, P and I have a beautiful home, family & friends who love us and huge hopes and dreams for the future. I'm overwhelmingly thankful.
I urge you to give it a try. Put down that phone. Lay in the floor and play with your kid. Go for a jog (or 50 if you are doing the 50 Day challenge) with your husband. Look someone in the eye and have a convo without an electronic device nearby. You just might hear yourself uttering the statement, "Life is good" as you wrap up an ordinary Monday.
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