I feel like I need to almost write two separate posts tonight. The dynamic of my family is so very different today from one side to the other, it feels almost impossible to include both in the same post.
While it's my habit to choose to hear bad news before good...or negative before positive...so as to end on a happy note, I'm going to have to start with the sunshine and end with the clouds tonight, because that's just how my heart feels.
Ginger and Joey playing at dinnertime |
I had a baby moment today. Miss Joey is everything a little girl should be. Outrageously dressed in bright pinks and yellows, attached to her Mama beyond what any female family member is happy with (because it cuts down on their time to love up on her), and e-mo-tion-al! She has perfected the art of smiling and then shifting to a full blown lip pout in half a minute at the age of 4 months. Her Mommy and Daddy better watch OUT! I had the glory of stealing her away for about 30 minutes. I'm proud to say she didn't whisper she wanted her Mama once. All it took was sitting outside...positioned just right for her to happily gaze at the fish pond while a baby crazed stranger soaked her up and hummed songs from church camps past in her ear. I'd be lying to say I wasn't a tad disappointed when it was time to reenter the real world and place her back in the rightful arms of her proud Mama. Miss Joey and her Mama, Abby were a happy place for all of us today.
This morning I had the pleasure of meeting my very best friend's life-long best friend. While I have to say I was a bit apprehensive (and even more NERVOUS), she is/was everything she's made out to be. It's incredible to see a friendship circle in completion. A friendship circle from my
very educated and knowledgeable perspective
(insert eye roll here) would mean understanding how and why we all fit in each others lives...even if we're only connected by one person. In the four(ish) mile walk/jog, I felt like I got to piece together a part of my best friend's life that up until this point, had only been talked about. And...it's a pretty cool part. One that I hope I get to meet again someday.
This week every day has been filled with basketball, food, playing, conversations, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and great-grandparents. It's incredible to live life every day, even if only for a while, with family so tightly knitted together. Makes me think it must've felt something like this a while back when families grew up with everyone working and sharing land; where all their kids grew up being raised by whoever was closest and everyone gathered at the grandparents for Sunday dinner after church. Ahhh...the "good ol days."(My grandpa rolls his eyes when I say things like that. According to him, there really wasn't THAT much THAT "good" about the good ol' days.)
Grandpa Henry |
Now...after such a great, sunshiney baby filled day...I came home to a few storm clouds. I found out my grandpa, the man who helped to raise me...who still reminisces about me running through his house in my baby walker, has an aneurysm. He met with a specialist today who said it is double the size in which they would normally do surgery. An aneurysm is the very thing that killed my grandma's mother as well as her sister...I can only imagine how she feels to find out the love of her life, the man she grew up and grew old with, now has the exact same thing.
My grandpa is the single most independent, hard working man I've ever known. He started with nothing and has built a life that has not only supported his family but has allowed them to grow and thrive. I'm incredibly proud of where and who I come from. My grandpa is one tough cookie and I know he'll come through this in a way that will amaze us all. For every ounce of tough that's in him, my grandma's strength is "pressed down, shaken together, and running over" but I know she could sure use our thoughtful prayers and support.
Please lift up our family. My goal in all this is faith, positivity and never ending understanding for both of the people who are responsible for creating the family my little bug will be born in to.
“Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.” Rabindranath Tagore