Monday, June 18, 2012

Fiesta at our Casa

Let me just start by saying, we had the pleasure of hosting dinner tonight. At times, thirteen people in our home was a bit overwhelming, yet in the exact same breath, it was satisfying. Amongst the back porch accidents (the step up is hard for little boys), the invasion of flies, and the Oklahoma wind that kept the temperature down but also caused me to get a bit creative with the tablecloths, were conversations that spanned four generations. From preggo talk to dessert plate shopping on the ipad, silence was scarce. After spending the day in the kitchen preparing our feast, I was happy to sit and listen and just soak up the energy around me. 

Tonight was enchilada night. Anyone who knows me knows Mexican food is typically my achilles heel. I luhhhvvve it. Will eat it til I'm miserable. Lucky for me, Oklahoma is THE place to be if a person loves mexican food. We've got everything from huge chains, to small "Mom and Pop" restaurants scattered like little beacons of goodness all over the city. Chips and salsa are always on the grocery list in our home...until about a month ago. Mini Curtsinger decided not to appreciate salsa as much as her mother.  I dare say he may hate it. At least right now. The pain in my belly is not worth the hour I spend eating it. So...while I prepared quite the meal tonight, I had to choose my own nourishment carefully. Thank goodness not everyone had to be so limited.

Filling up before heading outside

I was lucky enough to draw the seat next to Mike's great grandma. She is just about the most precious person I've met. If I can choose, I'll sit near her at every family event. Listening to her talk and being in on the comments she makes under her breath keeps a smile plastered across my face. She is truly one of a kind.

I was a bit worried the boys would get bored while they were here---and while I can't compete with swimming at Mimi's house...they did find ways to keep busy. Landon became the official "fly swatter." Kid must've killed three dozen flies.(Ging-you can legitimately tell his teacher he worked on hand/eye coordination tonight!) Cars zoomed across our living room floor and Summer Shandy bottles were dug out of the trash by a 4 year old insistent on recycling. Oh, and how could I forget? For the first time, our backyard was over-run with barefoot, little boys, Mimis and a game of frisbee. Summertime at its best.

And there was dessert. Good grief the dessert. That bowl of banana pudding alone could've fed us. Bless my mother-in-law's heart for hauling that dish over here. Bless her a few more times for leaving that bowl in my fridge.
And sweet tooth calls...

Til tomorrow...when plans for a walk with my friend, swimming with the boys and a Thunder party late in the evening leave me believing I'll have plenty to write about.

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