Friday, June 29, 2012


The blessed 2nd trimester has arrived!!! Halle-freaking-lujah!!! With it comes less sporatic gagging, rays of energy and an ever-present, ever growing BUMP! So far, I'm enjoying the wiggle room between the first trimester icky-ness and the third trimester unknown.

With the bump comes tons of backaches and a whole lot less sleep...but ya win some you lose some and right now i'm just thankful to be able to get off the couch!


Tiny (and not so tiny) spiders were in abundance as we tilled up the ground! Bluh!!
 Other things are blooming around our happy home than just my belly. With my energy (and Mikey's stamina) came our flower bed!! The face lift our front yard received Sunday morning is fantastic. The poor flowers are just barely makin' it in this blasted Oklahoma heat...but we're giving them a drink twice a day to help them out. I can't wait for next Spring when the three of us sit out front (picture Adirondack chairs where the random gathering of things are) together and watch our flower bed welcome the (not so scorching) Spring sunshine.


I've been "Old Wive's Tales"-ing it up the past few days and as much as I'm dreaming of a foofy little girl, I have a feeling we're getting a rough and tough beautiful baby boy. There's a plethora of hints and hopes of how to determine what the little Bump will be crawling on the internet and sittin' around the table in the kitchens of grandma's everywhere...but in the words of my Mama, "When you see it, you'll know." I've got 27 weeks and 5 days til that much anticipated meeting. Maybe the excitement will seep into my mid-section and he'll arrive in 25 or 26 weeks because he's just as excited to meet us as we are him...

Visits Passed

Our Massachusetts family is heading home tomorrow. Usually it's super hard to say good-bye because we know it'll be months before we see them again. While I'd personally rather keep them around for every day walks, nursery crafts, family dinners and trips to Hobby Lobby; home and real life are calling them. Thankfully we are all headed to Cape Cod to spend a week at the beach with them in less than a month. I'm praying my energy is in abundance that week to lay on the beach, tan the Bump and soak up our first ever Curtsinger Family Vaca!

Maniac in the Making

There's a reason God doesn't drop a one year old into a person's life (very often). While I love and adore him, Mr. Maverick wore me smooth out Wednesday night. I'm not sure whether it was playing with the grandparents, digging bugs out of his mouth that he tried to eat off my Mom's floor, scaring and being scared of the dogs, or swimming in the pool that did it...but I definitely got a preview of things to come. Dear Lord give me patience and energy. Lots and lots of energy. Thank you God for starting us out with something much smaller and immobile.

Now I've got to get out of here...
Family time is calling. Gotta soak up my friend (who just so happens to be Mike's aunt) enough to survive on Facetime for a few weeks! (How else can she watch the Bump grow??)

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